Basil Mint Simple Syrup

Inspired by a great little coffee shop in Hastings, Nebraska, I tried my hand at making this Basil Mint Simple Syrup (I also made a basil-only version, which is also great). So far we’ve tried it in raspberry lemonade and in iced tea, but we have some later-in-the-day cocktail plans for it as well. Ingredients:…


Our basil is amazing this year, and it’s already the fifth time I’ve made pesto. Time to add the recipe to Needs More Butter for easy reference! Ingredients: 2 cups basil, packed (can substitute spinach leaves for half) 1/3 cup walnuts (original recipe calls for pine nuts, but I almost always use walnuts) 3 cloves…

Liquid Sidewalk Chalk

I blogged about this at The Grand. Ingredients: 1 part water 1 part cornstarch food coloring Directions: Mix up the water and cornstarch. Pour it in muffin tins or small cups, and add food coloring.

Homemade Playdough

With this winter storm I can only imagine the number of times “homemade playdough” or some variation has been googled in the past few days. There are lots of recipes out there, and this is the first one we’ve tried, but it was a winner for us. I just left it white this time, but…


I’ve wanted to make fingerpaint for quite a while now. Friday was the end of a looooong week, and painting was just the thing we needed to push through to the end. This was super easy. At it dries, it does crack a bit if it’s thick (and what kid doesn’t use LOTS of paint?)….

Laundry Detergent

Check out my blog for photos and more information about making detergent. 1/2 C washing soda 1/2 C Borax 1/3 bar of Ivory soap, grated In a large pot, heat 6 cups of water; add grated soap and stir until dissolved. Add washing soda and Borax and stir until dissolved. Remove pot from heat. In…